GeoComm to Begin Visual Verification of Addresses for Use in 9-1-1 Systems

Via press release: 

Beginning on May 27, 2014 and continuing until June 27, 2014, GeoComm, Inc. will be performing address point collection and verification services in Burleigh County for the Statewide Seamless Base Map Project. This work has been contracted on behalf of the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services for use in 9-1-1 systems statewide, including the Bismarck/Burleigh Combined Communications Center.

GeoComm fieldwork crews will in most cases conduct a visual verification of an address by what is displayed on the structure. In this case you will likely see a GeoComm labeled vehicle enter your driveway, then turn around and leave. If an address is not readily visible on the structure, or there appears to be a discrepancy with what is posted and the address that is on record, the GeoComm Technician may approach your house to verify your correct address and your landline telephone information. This information will be used to verify and update the address point information for the Project.

If GeoComm Technicians are unable to meet with a resident and there is a question as to the correct address, a paper survey with contact information will be left behind. If you receive a survey, please assist in the successful completion of this Project by calling a Project Team member at 1-888-436-2666 or visit to provide the information requested in the survey.

Information collected by GeoComm will be considered confidential and its distribution restricted to only those parties involved in the Seamless Base Map Project.

If a resident or business owner has a concern or questions about this process, please contact:

Mike Dannenfelzer
Communications Director
Bismarck/Burleigh Combined Communications Center
P) 701-222-6727


Cecily Fong
Public Information Specialist
North Dakota Department of Emergency Services
P) 701-328-8154